Our courses will help you take amazing iPhone pictures that everybody loves

The Shot Composition for Better iPhone Photos. Step-by-Step Tutorial

5 Tips For Better iPhone Photos: Composition, Perspective, Vantage Point, Rule of Thirds, Surrounding Light, The Frame. It is the one camera that is always with me.  

Macro Photography on the iPhone. Beautiful Your Flower/Garden Photos. Step-by-Step Tutorial

My 8 Best Tips for Flower/Garden Photography with the iPhone.  It is the one camera that is always with me.  

iPhone Ladscape Photography Secrets. Step-by-Step Tutorial

I have been doing landscape photography with my iPhone for years now.  It is the one camera that is always with me.  

Take Amaizing Pet Portraits on iPhone. Step-by-Step Tutorial

Learn how to take amaizing pet portraits on iPhone.  It is the one camera that is always with me.  

5 Night Mode Photography Hacks for the iPhone. Step-by-Step Tutorial

After decades of taking pictures, it can be hard to improve your skills. But with a few simple hacks, you can make your pictures even better. Here are five of the best tricks to try today.

How to Edit Photos on iPhone Camera without any App. Step-by-Step Tutorial

Whether you’re out shooting landscapes, portraits, or something in between, the last thing you want is your iPhone to ruin the moment. Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use to make your photos look better

This is exactly what you'll find out in our iPhone photography video tutorial (18 tips, 12 min)

In this video, I’ll share with you the right iphone 11, 12, 13 camera settings that you should be using. Settings are almost the same in iphone 11, 12, 13 and not changed globally.

There are no best or worst shots! Each of you is a creator. You just need to slow down and see the world in such a simple and beautiful way. In this tutorial I will not teach you how to make photos, but I will give you a tool that allows you to make the best shots ever.  
Here is exactly what you will discover iPhone photography tutorial :
  • Which format is better to use ?
  • How to get the best color and shadow detail and get better shots than expensive cameras can do it ?
  • How to use the rules of thirds in the camera to get professional shots ?  
  • Settings for the best night photos
  • Fast access to the camera and how to shoot not opening the camera app
  • How to make a shot quickly ?
  • How to use zoom without cropping your photo ?
  • How to use macro zoom to get super clean shots of your flowers and garden ?
  • How and in which cases do you need to use manual exposure ?
  • Photographic styles - these are not filters. Best option for iPhone photo editing. How to use them ?
  • How you can lock your auto focus and why you need it ?
  • How you are going to make a photo of your dog or cat, if it always runs?
  • Night photos are never shot so easy
  • Find out how to use panorama mode and in the next trip get incredible shots
  • How to blur the background in portrait photos ?
  • What is Lighting options ? Do shots like a pro

The Correct iPhone 11, 12, 13 Camera Settings For Stunning Photos. 18 Tips, Tricks & Features (12 min)

The iPhone 11,12, 13 camera have a ton of new features
Let's go through them so you can master Apple's best cameras yet
iPhone is the one camera that is always with You

$9.99 / $49.99

                                    Set Right Settings on iPhone 11, 12, 13 Right Now

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